Wednesday, September 9, 2020

DX0S DXpedition, El Fraile Island, Philippines, June 7-10, 2019

DXpedition to Fort Drum

(The Concrete Battleship)

El Fraile Island, Philippines

Credit: Practical Wireless | September 2019

HRECG Inc. 5th Anniversary Online Celebration

The Ham Radio Emergency Communications Group Inc. Celebrates its 5th year founding anniversary via online meet and greet with the Club Members, the President and Chairman of the Board gave his message to all the members including the members of the Board and Club Trustee gave their message to the members.

The anniversary was graced by the guest of honor and speaker no other than Retired Police Major General Ramon "Chen" Purugganan, DU1CHN.

DU1CHN is former Chief of Staff and Deputy Director of PNP Communications and Electronics Service with the rank of Police Colonel, former Executive Officer of Directorate for Comptrollership, Deputy Director of Directorate for Intelligence, former Acting Director of Directorate for Personnel and Records Management with the rank of Police Brigadier General (1 star general) and later on as Director of Directorate for Comptrollership with the rank of Police Major General (2 star general) he is an active amateur radio enthusiasts since his cadet ship in Philippine Military Academy and a member of PMA Sinagtala Class of 1986.

DU1CHN is also a Honorary Member of HRECG, Inc.